Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Have the American people completely lost it?!

What is going on here? Is anybody paying attention? Seriously?

The EPA states that it will basically do an "end run" around Congress related to Climate Change legislation. Declaring CO2 as a dangerous gas. Unbelievable.

How many governmental agencies have to ignore the elected officials before people realize we are no longer living in a Democracy (which technically should be a Republic)? This is fascist through and through.

The majority of those in Washington D.C. are clearly not listening to the American people. Passing unread bills at lightning speed. Digging us (and our children and grandchildren) deeper and deeper into debt.

What power does Congress really have if some government agency is going to step in and impose rules anyhow? Regardless of how the American people feel about it.

What's more important right now? The economy in the U.S.? Unemployment? Or the freaking Polar Bears?!

The issue formerly known as "Global Warming" now "Climate Change" has been debunked! It's a scam on a criminal level! Al Gore et al should be thrown in prison! Instead of people admitting they have been duped, they are becoming even more wacky with their claims! Insanity! You can't just act like a 3 year old, plug your ears and go "Na na na na na" and pretend it isn't happening! You got scammed! You got suckered! Man up and deal with it!

Using "Climate Change" as yet another way to GLOBALLY extort money from citizens is completely asinine. Give it up.

What's happening to my Country is unthinkable and outrageous! Where is the outrage from the majority of Americans?! Wake up and smell the tyranny! It's not even a partisan issue. Bush started us on this financial tailspin and Obama put it on steroids. Then we have to add in "Cap & Trade" and healthcare "reform."

When the government owns 53% of the nation's economy, this is a BAD thing!

I mean, at this rate, why bother holding elections anymore? It's obviously just for show. Sending career politicians back to D.C. has gotten us here! What happened to a government "of the people, by the people and FOR the people?" This isn't it folks.

CO2 a "dangerous gas." In excessive amounts, yes! So is oxygen! Unreal.

Pink slips to Washington D.C.!

Friday, February 6, 2009

I'd Like to Say Happy New Year, but...

Only a handful of weeks into the Obama-nation and we're rushing headlong into a complete Socialist government in the U.S.. This pisses me off greatly. I love my country but hate where it's headed. Shameful.

For decades we have been pacified into believing the slow erosion of our personal freedoms is in our best interest for our health and safety. What a joke. Now, we're screwed and we let it happen. From smoking bans to seat belt laws. Now the "Fairness Doctrine" and outrageous anti-gun legislation. Say "auf wiedersehen" to your first and second amendment rights! These were the first two for a reason!

Billion dollar bailout for the banks...and the government gets bigger. That can of worms was opened, now it's a mess.

Bailout for the auto industry...and the government gets BIGGER. Now they're talking about a "national bank?!" I thought we already had that. Maybe I missed something. Oh but wait, the Federal Reserve is a private bank, my bad.

Government cars? Look how well the Yugo went over. Government banks? Why not?! The government is known for excellent money management, Government schools? Brainwashing since birth. Government health care? Guess what, they're going to tell you how to live (See England for example.) Government college? How about mandatory military service too?

Government isn't the answer, it's the PROBLEM! Where's all this "hope?" "Change" is right, change for the worse. Thanks Obama for keeping that campaign promise! Over taxed, under employed and broke! Thanks Obama! This is change alright!

They (our elected officials) work for us! I want them all fired for putting us into this mess we're in. No bailouts for them either. We're letting them take us from the employers and turning us into the employees. WAKE UP AMERICA!

Land of the free? I think we lost the free part along the lines here.

I'm sick and tired of these hypocrite liberal douche bags! Kill the babies, save the polar bears. The world is not all friendly and fluffy. Stop being a wuss and get out there and get some! Write all your representatives and tell them what you really think.

Enough is enough. Join the NRA. Take the school condoms away from your kids. Teach them YOUR morals. Undo the brainwashing! Run for office, no experience required OR wanted! Speak out! Stand up! Don't take it anymore! Talk to your kids! Watch anything BUT Obama's prime-time lie fest on Monday.

Our troops are overseas fighting for our freedoms not our enslavement! I hope we're still free when they come back.

God bless the USA and her brave military!