Wednesday, October 1, 2008

A.D.D. + TV = WTF?

"J.J. Abrams has done it again!"

If by "done it again" you mean created another rambling mystery/drama show, then you would be correct! From "Lost" to "Fringe" neither one of them makes much sense. To me this is what you get when you add a rich producer/writer with A.D.D. and television.

I used to enjoy "Lost" but after so many questions being added exponentially every episode it became irritating to watch. The number of new mysteries and questions far outnumbered the resolutions per show. The skipping back and forth in timeline and back story was equally frustrating.

Now with "Lost" entering syndication on the Sci-Fi channel and somehow still airing new episodes on ABC, J.J. has decided to annoy the general public with another show, "Fringe" airing on Fox.

"Fringe" is like the "X-Files" regurgitated, a far worse representation of an original idea. I'm ok with Science Fiction but a lot of Sci-Fi is based on science and what may be possible. "Fringe" is so far out there it's not even believable. The story line? Been there. The characters? Not nearly interesting enough. Resolution to "The Pattern?" None. We have no idea what "The Pattern" is, so it's hard to understand the urgency of anything they do. There's no real foundation to build on.

J.J. Abrams and his crew write TV shows like a 5 year old on a sugar high tells a story. A long rambling compilation of complete nonsense. "There was a polar bear! And! And! There was this smoke! And! And! There were like other people! And! And! There's a plane! And! And...Oh look! A shiny object! And! And! The other day...I had McDonald's for lunch!"

1. without logical or meaningful connection; disjointed; rambling: an incoherent sentence [OR TELEVISION SHOW].

Give me a break. "Bad Robot" indeed. Very bad.

ADDENDUM (10/3/08):

I'm all for escapism TV, I just don't want to have to sit down and watch a show with a notebook to keep track of multiple loose ends per show.

The episode of "Fringe" that aired on 9/30/08 was horrible. It made no sense, it was completely random for an hour!

My summary: Bald guy eats spicy food and watches construction. Earth shakes, things explode..."It" arrives. Somehow this subterranean suppository gets from the construction site to the FBI's custody. Crazy doctor insists it be moved to his lab and the FBI for some reason complies. Strange guy with weird machine can read minds apparently and seeks vibrating suppository. Crazy doctor moves "it" to somewhere only he should know about. Everybody shows up at this unknown location (including spicy food guy) and the suppository returns on its journey to the center of the earth or whatever. Dead partner shows up at female FBI agents home.

No character development. The son's character whines (as usual) about leaving. Still have no idea what the "Pattern" is and why they are all investigating it with such urgency. Finally, overall it had no real connection to the questions raised by previous episodes.

I give this show 8 thumbs down. I'll be surprised if it makes a second season, let alone the "Back 9."

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